Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): The Complete Guide to Writing a Comprehensive Plan

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), sometimes referred to as a Behavior Plan or Positive Behavior Support Plan provides a roadmap for how to reduce problem behavior. Usually, the BIP is part of a larger overall treatment plan or IEP, contributing to the learner’s long-term success in an important way. It provides a written plan or instructions for addressing challenging behavior and teaching skills that help the learner get what he wants in a more appropriate way (a functionally-equivalent replacement behavior).

Behavior Plan: A roadmap for behavior change


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What Is a Behavior Intervention Plan?

A BIP is a blueprint for changing behavior. In a formal setting, it guides treatment and ensures that everyone responds to behaviors consistently. It includes interventions selected based on the hypothesized or demonstrated function of the behavior with the intention of reducing challenging behaviors (what the learner “gets” by engaging in the behavior). Less formally, it can be used by parents and caregivers to ensure everyone interacting with the learner remains on the same page about a behavior strategy.

Although the written document feels like a final product, it’s actually a fluid, even dynamic part of treatment. Throughout treatment professionals monitor the learner’s response to interventions and determine their effectiveness. The professional adjusts the plan based on the progress, or lack of progress, of the learner. The written plan may include criteria for gradually shaping behavior, but it typically requires multiple revisions over time.

How Does a Behavior Intervention Plan Improve Behavior?

No matter how well-written, a piece of paper cannot change the behavior of a learner alone. In fact, a well-written behavior plan actually changes the behavior of the adults who interact with the learner as much as or even more than the learner himself. Learners are not puppets and their behavior does not change unless the environment changes.

A behavior plan provides strategies for others to utilize to help the learner prepare for and react to triggers when they come up. It offers antecedent strategies for minimizing exposure to or the impact of common triggers, setting the learner up for success and reducing the learner’s need to rely on the target behaviors to get what they need or want. It includes strategies for teaching alternative ways of accessing the maintaining reinforcer (often through the use of functional communication training).

The plan only works if the adults who interact with the learner actually implement the strategies in the plan. It’s common to write a behavior plan expecting parents, teachers and RBTs to implement it with fidelity on a regular basis, but the author should account for conditions that are unpredictable. It might be possible to achieve a high degree of fidelity in a clinic setting, but in a chaotic home environment, this is nearly impossible to achieve. A plan that speaks to the right audience with realistic expectations and clear strategies has the greatest chance of changing the behavior of the adults who will implement the plan. It’s these adults who ultimately are responsible for improving behavior.

When Does a Learner Need a Behavior Plan?

Not all learners need a behavior plan. Learners who respond well to group contingencies or who receive services primarily for skill acquisition likely don’t need a BIP. If ABA is funded through an insurance company, they often require a formal, written plan. You must know the requirements of the funding source as well as the specific needs of the learner to determine if a plan is needed.

If the learner engages in challenging behavior at school, the school staff should conduct a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and write a behavior intervention plan (BIP). The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires an FBA when a child with disabilities engages in behavior that threatens his current school placement and that behavior is a manifestation of the child’s disability (IDEA, 2004). This includes suspension and removal from class as these impact the learner’s exposure to the curriculum.

Preparing to Write a BIP

The process of developing an effective BIP starts long before you put pen to paper (or start typing on you laptop). You must collect relevant information from a variety of different sources to make sure you develop a thorough understanding of the behavior before you decide which interventions to include in your plan. Do not rely on only one source of information. This mistake can mean you miss important, relevant variables that impact the learner’s behavior. Acquire the following information through direct observations, interviews and document reviews:

Get to know your audience. Adapt your plan to the person (or people) who will be reading or implementing the plan including school staff, parents, RBTs, or insurance companies. Your audience should dictate the language you use in your plan. Make it easy to read yet technical enough to be effective.

A study conducted by Tarbox, et al. (2013) found that professionals who used a web-based tool for creating behavior intervention plans produced a significantly higher rate of including function-based interventions. The AID membership is your guide for efficiently creating effective behavior plans!

Keep in mind that before you create your BIP, you must conduct a functional behavior assessment (FBA) or a functional analysis (FA) to identify the function of the target behavior(s).

Functions of Behavior

All behavior occurs because the individual gets something out of it (gets something good or escapes something bad). In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the reason a behavior continues is called the function of that behavior. These functions serve as reinforcers for the learner. If the behavior no longer works for that purpose, the behavior will stop and a new behavior will take its place.

Identifying the function of the behavior is critical in developing an effective BIP. The goal of the BIP is always to teach the learner adaptive ways to access the reinforcer maintaining the target behavior and may also include a plan for teaching the learner to tolerate when that reinforcer is not available. To meet this goal, you must accurately identify the specific functions maintaining the behavior.

The functions of behavior are discussed in depth in our post Functions of Behavior in ABA: Complete Guide.

Determining which Function Controls Behavior

Want a resources that will help you conduct an FBA and create a function-based BIP? Check out our Master ABA Dojo membership! *

The Difference Between FA and FBA

The field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) offers wonderful tools and techniques to help us understand behavior and teach new skills. With this comes an abundance of terminology and acronyms. Functional Analysis (FA) and Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) are two terms that are often confused. Do you know the difference between these important assessments?

Functional analysis and functional behavior assessment both help professionals identify the function of a behavior. The difference lies in the degree of confidence in the results and the intrusiveness of the assessment. A functional analysis demonstrates control over the behavior thus providing the professional with reliable results. While a functional behavior assessment allows the profession to develop only a hypothesis of the maintaining variables.

In school, we are often taught that the functional analysis (FA) is the “gold standard” when it comes to identifying behavioral function. This is due to the degree of confidence in the results of the assessment. By contriving and controlling different variables, the assessor demonstrates specific control over the behavior. In recent years, the ethics of exerting this type of control over a learner has come into question.

A functional behavior assessment (FBA) returns less reliable results and requires collecting information from a variety of sources including observation of the behavior as it occurs to gather data that then gets analyzed. This again requires the learner to be subjected to potentially aversive conditions that provoke the target behavior so that it can be measured. Again, in recent years, the ethics of this practice has been questioned by autistics and caring professionals alike.

Dr. Greg Hanley identified a third option that he calls the Practical Functional Assessment (PFA) (Hanley & Gover, 2018). In this process, he combines aspects of each of these processes in an effective and ethical practice. He relies heavily on interviews with people who know the learner. He uses the interview process to dig into the underlying function of the behavior to form a hypothesis then he tests the hypothesis by essentially demonstrating that he can effectively “turn the behavior on and off.”

Should You Choose an FA or FBA?

When choosing among the different available methods of identifying the function of the target behavior, consider how confident you must be in the results of the assessment. In many situations, forming a hypothesis that turns out to be incorrect or incomplete is completely acceptable as, over time, you will collect and analyze data to measure the effectiveness of your interventions. There may be specific circumstances where even a small margin of error could harm the learner. In these instances, an FA may be the most ethical of assessments.

Functional Analysis (FA)

A functional analysis manipulates environmental conditions to evoke challenging behavior. This is done to demonstrate control over the behavior. If the professional can predictably create a condition that evokes the behavior, they identify the function of the behavior within a reasonable degree of certainty. A functional analysis must be completed by an experienced professional as it requires contriving conditions in specific ways in an attempt to elicit behavior.

When conducting a functional analysis, the professional contrives conditions in an attempt to elicit target behavior, reinforce, then measure how frequently the behavior occurs during subsequent conditions. Conditions align with potential functions: demand, restricted attention, preferred items withheld, and play (control). The professional measures the occurrence in each condition and demonstrates control when behavior repeatedly occurs more often in one condition over the others.

While this interview is long, it’s well worth the time invested. Brian Iwata, a major contributor to the field of ABA, describes functional analysis in detail. Any professional seeking to understand functional analysis should watch this.

Below is an example of a scatterplot. The scatterplot offers a visual representation of the occurrence of behavior across different times of the day (or activities) and days of the week. This provides an opportunity to spot trends in the data you might otherwise miss.

The Competing Behavior Pathway begins to put all of the information you collect together while also considering replacement behaviors you might teach. It provides a visual display of common setting events, replacement behaviors and the ultimate desired behavior. Working through the process, allows you to consider both short- and long-term goals. How will the learner access the same reinforcer as the target behavior (short-term goal including a functionally-equivalent replacement behavior) and how will the learner engage in behavior that contacts reinforcement in the natural environment (long-term desired behavior)?

Collecting and analyzing the data for a functional behavior assessment takes time and patience. Professionals must consider all variables that might impact the behavior. Despite all of this, the professional cannot say for certain that they have identified the function of the behavior. The result of a FBA is always a hypothesis of the most likely function.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Many advantages and disadvantages exist for both functional analysis and functional behavior assessment. Understand the risks and benefits of each before you begin. If you are unsure about whether or not you should conduct one of these assessments, seek supervision from an experienced Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

Advantages Disadvantages
Functional Analysis ~Provides greater
accuracy, predictive
~”Gold standard” for
identifying function
~Requires extensive
training to implement
~Risk of reinforcing
undesired behavior
Functional Behavior
~Easier to implement
~Information can be
gathered from various
~More efficient in some
~Avoids reinforcing
potentially dangerous
~Less accurate for
identifying function
~Form a hypothesis of

Both of these assessments are tools in the professional’s toolbox that should be utilized when appropriate. Each assessment should be carefully considered before being implemented.

Choosing Between FA and FBA

Choosing between a functional analysis and functional behavior assessment can be confusing, especially for professionals new to the field. In general, professionals should choose the simplest, least intrusive intervention available that is likely to be effective. In addition, professionals must ensure they collect the most accurate data available to them. Often these 2 requirements would lead to very different choices.

That being said, here are some general guidelines:

Choose a functional analysis when:

Choose a functional behavior assessment when:

When an FBA is Required

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that schools conduct a functional behavior assessment (not a functional analysis) if the child’s behavior impacts his learning, the learning of others, or puts his placement at risk. Sacramento State University published this Fact Sheet that answers some frequently asked questions about when schools are required to conduct a functional behavior assessment.

A Third Option

As mentioned earlier, Dr. Greg Hanley presents a third option that offers some of the benefits of a functional analysis while ameliorating some of the disadvantages. Although the technique requires some training to ensure efficacy of implementation, the risks are greatly reduced. Essentially, the professional collects information through interviews in order to form a hypothesis. The professional then takes this information to recreate a situation that will trigger and subsequently terminate the behavior (i.e. removing a preferred item then giving it back contingent on target behavior) thus demonstrating control over the behavior.

For more information on the Practical Functional Assessment click here.

Want a resources that will help you conduct an FBA and create a function-based BIP? Check out our Master ABA Dojo membership! *

Writing an Effective Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Effective BIPS require some practice to write. Remember the purpose behind your plan. Typically, you create a BIP for someone else to implement. Write it so that person understands exactly what you want him/her to do. Be as specific as possible using clear, jargon-free language. Many different factors impact the usability of your BIP from the overall structure and framework of the BIP to the smallest detail so it’s worth taking time to consider each component as you go along.

Behavior Plan Framework

When building your BIP, you can create a framework around a whole response class (multiple behaviors serving the same function), common antecedents/functions, or individual topographies of behavior. Choose the framework that you are most comfortable with or that best meets the needs of your learners, but make sure that your interventionist understands your plan. Although there isn’t one correct framework, it’s difficult to switch between them for different learners. Constantly changing the structure of your BIPs becomes confusing for your interventionists. Choose one that is appropriate to most of your learners and stick with it.

Consider the following when choosing a framework:

Here are some templates to help you compare the different options:

Behavior Plan Formatting

Generally, agencies have a template they use when documenting behavior plans. Often the template dictates which framework you must use. This information will help you if you start your own business, provide contract or consultation services, or have the liberty to choose your own format when working for an agency. If you must use an agency template, consider how the format impacts implementation. Provide training to your interventionists to ensure treatment fidelity.

Below is an example of a behavior plan written in an antecedent framework.

Sample behavior intervention plan (BIP) antecedent framework

Formatting a behavior plan is a matter of structuring the information in a way that is easy for the interventionists to refer back to when needed. The image above shows an example of a behavior plan written in the antecedent framework. Each section provides interventionists with strategies for common antecedents (i.e. difficult task, low attention, etc.). The formatting of this plan allows the interventionist to quickly find the antecedent and then scan to find the interventions they should implement. There are limited instructions for implementing the intervention, but if the interventionist is familiar with the interventions, these might be sufficient.

When creating your plan, utilize headings and tables to allow interventionists to quickly scan to find the information they need. Bulleted lists break up text and distinguish one intervention from the next.

Our membership delves further into creating behavior intervention plans. Here, let’s look at how to write a detailed plan.

Steps to Writing a Behavior Plan

Writing a behavior plan consists of many steps that do not involve sitting behind a computer screen. This is an active process that requires substantial data collection and planning. The steps below are a guide, but remember that you may need to add steps depending on your setting and the rules in your area.

  1. Acquire informed consent from the parent or guardian
  2. Collect baseline data
  3. Collect FBA or FA data
  4. Analyze the data to identify a hypothesized or tested function of the target behavior(s)
  5. Research appropriate interventions
  6. Assemble the components of the plan
  7. Review the plan with the human rights committee if the plan includes any form of seclusion or restraint or if otherwise required (know the laws and rules for your specific area)
  8. Review the plan with the parent or guardian and obtain a signature
  9. Train staff to implement the plan

Components of An Effective Behavior Intervention Plan

Several components come together to create a complete treatment package to address maladaptive behavior and each component builds the foundation for positive behavior change. While some elements may be optional based on the setting or other supporting documentation, all plans should include the following components.

Identifying Information

Ensure that all staff know without a doubt whose plan they are reading. Include sufficient identifying information to make this crystal clear. Appropriate identifying information includes:


Clearly identify the goal for the plan. Anyone reading the plan should understand the purpose behind the plan. Why is this behavior intervention plan necessary? What benefits do you hope to see for the child?

Take a look at the following examples:

Goal: To help Beth stay in the classroom without disruptive behavior.

Goal: To increase Beth’s ability to remain in the classroom and participate in classroom activities with her peers with a decrease in target behavior and an increase in adaptive alternative behavior.

Goal: To increase Beth’s ability to remain in the classroom to 95% of the school day and actively participate in activities with her peers with a decrease in noncompliance to

Writing a goal that is observable and measurable ensures that everyone involved is on the same page. Clarity is crucial throughout this process.

Target Behavior Definition

Target behaviors should be defined operationally, meaning that anyone reading the definition can identify whether or not the behavior is occurring. For more information on writing operational definitions, see the post: Operational Definitions: Clearly Define the Behavior. In this post, I discuss the difference between topographical and functional definitions and provide examples of each.

Here’s an example that builds on the goal for Beth above:

Noncompliance: Any instance in which Beth physically and/or verbally refuses to comply with a directive for a skill previously demonstrated for longer than 30 seconds.

Onset: 30 seconds. Offset: 30 seconds.

Hypothesized Function

Based on the assessment data (FBA or FA) you collected, write a statement describing the hypothesized (or tested if you conducted an FA) function of the target behavior(s). This statement helps keep everyone involved clear on the factors that likely maintain the challenging behavior. Learn more about functions of behavior in our post Functions of Behavior in ABA: Complete Guide.

Check out the statement for Beth’s scenario:

Hypothesized Function: Based on Functional Behavior Assessment data, including interviews with staff, ABC data, scatterplot data and direct observation, Beth’s noncompliance is likely maintained by access to staff attention in the form of reprimands, coaxing or chasing.

Antecedent Interventions

Antecedent interventions minimize challenging behavior by addressing common triggers, setting events, or other precipitating factors. Clearly understanding the conditions within which the behavior typically occurs improves the accuracy and effectiveness of your interventions.

For more information about antecedent interventions, see the post: Antecedent Interventions: Complete Guide. In this post I discuss several effective antecedent interventions as well as when to implement them.

Here, let’s look at antecedent interventions for Beth:

Visual schedules: Using a visual schedule may reduce the motivating operation (MO) for Beth’s noncompliance as staff review the schedule with her prior to each transition, providing opportunities for staff attention routinely. In addition, include on her schedule multiple activities that include opportunities for her to receive staff attention (i.e. reading books, playing a math game, taking a walk in the hall).

Assigning “helper” tasks: Many of Beth’s challenging behaviors occur during transitions when staff may be attempting to gather materials, thus diverting staff attention. Assigning Beth “helper” tasks during this transition provides Beth with positive staff attention while minimizing the time staff’s attention must be diverted. For example, ask Beth to help you carry books to the circle area.

Alternative or Replacement Behaviors

Whenever you attempt to reduce one behavior, you must include a plan for teaching an appropriate alternative or replacement behavior. If you fail to include this, the child will develop her own replacement behaviors and they may be problematic. The replacement behavior should serve the same function as the maladaptive behavior you are looking to reduce.

Check out this example for Beth:

Functional Communication Training (FCT): Teach Beth to many appropriately for attention. When Beth is likely to engage in target behavior (i.e. before a transition when your attention may be diverted), but prior to onset of the target behavior, prompt Beth to request staff attention by saying “talk to me,” “watch me,” “look at me,” or some similar form of requesting attention. If Beth engages in target behavior, withhold attention and try again at another opportunity.

One way to teach replacement behaviors is through social stories. Read the post Autism and Social Skills: Complete Guide for more.

Consequent Interventions

Every behavior plan should include some form of reinforcement strategy for appropriate behavior. Specify what the schedule of reinforcement should be and include what behaviors staff should reinforce. The post Understanding Consequence Interventions: Punishment vs Reinforcement goes into more about these types of strategies.

For Beth we will use the following intervention:

Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior (DRA): Beth should earn reinforcement (i.e. focused staff attention in a playful manner) each time she uses a functional statement to request staff attention.

IntervalR+ ScheduleR+ Time
1FR130 seconds
2FR21 minute
3VR32 minutes
4VR53 minutes

Criteria for interval regression: >20 minutes/day for 3 consecutive days

Response to Target Behavior

In this section, you will include specifics regarding how staff should respond when the target behavior(s) occur. This should include criteria for crisis response as well as when and how staff should call for help.

Beth’s behavior is reasonably mild, so staff’s response should reflect that:

Response to Target Behavior:

Additional Information for the Behavior Plan

At times, additional information may be relevant. This might include common setting events such as specific staff, the presence of loud noises, or being hungry (see our post ABC Data: The Key to Understanding Behavior for more). Include any other information that might help staff understand and respond to the behavior appropriately.

Keep this information related to the target behavior(s), even though you might want to include extraneous information. For example, do not include information about the child’s toileting schedule unless the behaviors occurs around toileting.

Let’s see what might be relevant for Beth:

Beth’s Behavior Plan

The best way to learn is through examples. Download Beth’s behavior intervention plan for future reference.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Behavior Intervention Plan

To determine whether your BIP is working, you must collect ongoing data. Although data sounds like a scary, scientific word, it’s just a way to measure the behavior. Refer back to your goal to choose the best measurement technique for your plan. Here are some common options:

In the example used throughout this post, Sarah’s aggression should be measured using a frequency count. Simply count the number of times Sarah makes physical contact with another person. If she engages in fewer instances of the behavior, your plan is working.

Don’t abandon your BIP if the behavior doesn’t immediately change or even if it gets worse for a little while. These are common occurrences once you begin intervening on challenging behavior.

Ethical Considerations When Writing a Comprehensive BIP

The table below presents some important ethical considerations when writing a comprehensive behavior intervention plan. The table includes specific action steps to help you ensure you practice in an ethical way.

ConcernDescriptionAction Steps for Ethical Practice
ConfidentialityEnsuring the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information contained in the BIP, including personal details and behavioral data.– Adhere to legal and ethical guidelines for protecting confidential information.
Limit access to the BIP to authorized individuals involved in the intervention process.
– Obtain informed consent from individuals involved in the development and implementation of the BIP.
Informed ConsentObtaining informed consent from all relevant stakeholders, including the individual receiving the intervention, their legal guardian (if applicable), and professionals involved in the process.– Provide clear and comprehensive information about the purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits of the BIP.
– Ensure that individuals understand their rights, including the right to refuse or withdraw consent.
– Document informed consent in writing.
Cultural SensitivityRecognizing and respecting cultural diversity and avoiding practices that may be inconsistent with an individual’s cultural beliefs and values.– Conduct culturally sensitive assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s cultural background and values.
– Involve culturally diverse professionals and consultants in the development and implementation of the BIP.
– Modify intervention strategies to align with the individual’s cultural context and preferences.
Individual AutonomyRespecting the autonomy and self-determination of the individual receiving the intervention and involving them in the decision-making process.– Foster open communication and collaboration with the individual and their support network.
– Seek input from the individual in setting intervention goals and strategies.
– Encourage self-advocacy and provide opportunities for the individual to express their preferences and choices.
Least Restrictive InterventionPrioritizing interventions that are the least restrictive and do not unnecessarily limit an individual’s freedom, independence, and opportunities for growth.– Conduct a functional assessment to understand the underlying causes of challenging behaviors and develop interventions that address those causes.
– Consider positive behavior support strategies and proactive approaches before resorting to restrictive measures.
– Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and make adjustments to minimize restrictions.
Individualized ApproachTailoring the BIP to the unique needs, strengths, and preferences of the individual, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach.– Conduct comprehensive assessments to gather information about the individual’s skills, challenges, preferences, and goals.
– Develop individualized intervention strategies that align with the individual’s needs and capitalize on their strengths.
– Regularly review and update the BIP based on ongoing assessment and progress monitoring.
Functional AssessmentConducting a thorough functional assessment to understand the underlying function and purpose of challenging behaviors, rather than solely focusing on behavior modification.– Use a variety of assessment methods, including direct observation, interviews, and data collection, to determine the antecedents and consequences of challenging behaviors.
– Analyze the data collected to identify patterns and possible functions of the behaviors.
– Base intervention strategies on the function of the behaviors to address the root causes effectively.
Professional CompetenceEnsuring that professionals involved in developing and implementing the BIP possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and training in behavior analysis and intervention.– Maintain up-to-date knowledge of best practices in behavior analysis and intervention.
– Seek continuing education and professional development opportunities to enhance competencies.
– Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams and consult with experts when necessary.
Ethical Use of ReinforcementUsing reinforcement strategies in an ethical manner that promotes positive behavior change without resorting to coercive or aversive techniques.– Utilize positive reinforcement strategies to increase desired behaviors and provide meaningful rewards.
– Avoid the use of punitive or harmful consequences as a means of behavior reduction.
– Continuously evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of reinforcement strategies.
Generalization of SkillsDesigning interventions that promote the generalization of skills across different settings, people, and contexts to enhance functional independence.– Incorporate generalization strategies into the BIP, such as teaching skills in natural environments and involving relevant individuals in the intervention process.
– Use fading and transfer procedures to gradually shift support from controlled to natural settings.
– Continuously assess and modify the intervention plan to promote generalization.
Ongoing AssessmentConducting ongoing assessment and progress monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention and make data-driven decisions.– Implement systematic data collection methods to track behavior changes and progress towards goals.– Regularly review and analyze collected data to assess the effectiveness of the BIP.
– Modify the intervention plan as needed based on data and individual progress.
Collaboration and TeamworkFostering collaboration and effective communication among professionals, caregivers, and individuals involved in the development and implementation of the BIP.– Establish regular communication channels and meetings to share information and updates.
– Involve all relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process.
– Encourage open dialogue, active listening, and respect for diverse perspectives.
Continuous Training and SupervisionProviding ongoing training, supervision, and support to professionals implementing the BIP to ensure fidelity and adherence to ethical guidelines.– Provide initial and ongoing training on behavior analysis principles, intervention strategies, and ethical considerations.
– Promote a culture of continuous learning and professional growth.
Benefit vs. HarmWeighing the potential benefits of the intervention against the possible risks and negative consequences to ensure that the intervention plan maximizes overall well-being.– Conduct a risk-benefit analysis to assess the potential positive outcomes and potential negative effects of the intervention.
– Seek input from individuals and their support network to evaluate perceived benefits and potential risks.
– Continuously monitor for any adverse effects and adjust the intervention plan accordingly.
Continuous Evaluation and ImprovementContinuously evaluating the effectiveness and appropriateness of the BIP and making adjustments based on new information and emerging best practices.– Regularly review and analyze data to assess the progress towards goals.
– Solicit feedback from individuals, caregivers, and professionals involved in the intervention.
– Stay informed about current research, evidence-based practices, and ethical guidelines to inform ongoing improvements.
Advocacy and EmpowermentAdvocating for the rights and needs of individuals receiving interventions and empowering them to actively participate in decision-making processes.– Promote self-advocacy skills and support individuals in expressing their preferences and choices.
– Provide accessible information and resources to individuals and their support network about their rights and options.– Encourage individuals to voice their concerns and actively involve them in all stages of the BIP development and implementation.

These concerns and corresponding action steps aim to ensure ethical practice in developing and implementing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs), promoting individual rights, autonomy, cultural sensitivity, and the use of evidence-based practices while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

Research Related to Writing a Comprehensive BIP

Here is a table summarizing research articles related to writing a comprehensive behavior intervention plan. The table includes important action steps to help you put these ideas into practice.

Article TitleSummaryAction Steps for Application
Maintaining professional relationships in an interdisciplinary setting: Strategies for navigating nonbehavioral treatment recommendations for individuals with autismThis article discusses strategies for behavior analysts to navigate non-behavioral treatment recommendations in interdisciplinary settings. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining professional relationships and collaboration.– Foster open and respectful communication with professionals from other disciplines.
– Educate and share evidence-based practices with colleagues from different backgrounds.
– Advocate for the integration of behavior analysis principles into interdisciplinary treatment plans.
Functional behavioral assessment, diagnosis, and treatment: A complete system for education and mental health settingsThe article presents a comprehensive system for conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing behavior intervention plans in educational and mental health settings. It provides practical guidance and tools for practitioners.– Learn and apply the systematic process of functional behavioral assessment (FBA).
– Use the FBA information to develop individualized behavior intervention plans.
– Implement evidence-based treatment strategies aligned with the FBA findings.
Practical functional assessment: Understanding problem behavior prior to its treatmentThis article discusses practical methods for conducting functional behavior assessments (FBA) to identify the variables maintaining problem behavior. It emphasizes the importance of conducting thorough assessments before implementing interventions.Use direct observation and structured assessment methods to identify the function of problem behavior.
– Collect data on antecedents, behavior, and consequences to identify patterns.
– Use the FBA findings to design effective behavior interventions targeting the identified function.
Producing meaningful improvements in problem behavior of children with autism via synthesized analyses and treatmentsThis article describes the use of synthesized analyses to identify the functional relations between problem behavior and environmental variables. It emphasizes the effectiveness of functional analyses in designing effective behavior interventions for children with autism.– Conduct a functional analysis to identify the function of problem behavior.
– Use the analysis findings to develop function-based interventions tailored to the individual’s needs.
– Continuously evaluate and modify the intervention based on ongoing assessment and progress monitoring.
Evaluation of client preference for function‐based treatment packagesThe article explores the importance of incorporating client preferences into the design of function-based treatment packages. It demonstrates the impact of choice-making on treatment acceptability and effectiveness.– Involve the individual and their support network in decision-making processes.
– Use preference assessments to determine reinforcers and intervention strategies aligned with the individual’s preferences.
– Continuously solicit and integrate client feedback to enhance treatment acceptability and effectiveness.
Elements of behavior support plans: a technical briefThis technical brief outlines the key elements of behavior support plans, including assessment, prevention, teaching alternative skills, and monitoring progress. It provides practical guidance for developing comprehensive behavior support plans.– Include assessment procedures to identify the function and context of problem behavior.
– Develop proactive strategies to prevent problem behavior and teach alternative, adaptive skills.
– Monitor and evaluate progress regularly to ensure the effectiveness of the behavior support plan.
Positive behavior support assessment guide: creating student-centered behavior plansThis article presents a guide for creating student-centered behavior plans within a positive behavior support framework. It emphasizes the importance of individualization, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making.– Collect comprehensive assessment data to understand the student’s behavior and context.
– Involve the student, family, and relevant professionals in developing behavior plans.
– Regularly review and revise the behavior plan based on ongoing assessment data and progress monitoring.
A proposed model for selecting measurement procedures for the assessment and treatment of problem behaviorThe article proposes a model for selecting appropriate measurement procedures for the assessment and treatment of problem behavior. It highlights the importance of choosing reliable and valid measurement methods.– Assess the characteristics of the problem behavior to determine appropriate measurement procedures.
– Consider the reliability, validity, and feasibility of measurement methods when selecting assessment tools.
– Continuously evaluate and modify measurement procedures based on ongoing assessment and treatment progress.
The impact of functional analysis methodology on treatment choice for self‐injurious and aggressive behaviorThe article examines the impact of functional analysis methodology on the selection of effective treatments for self-injurious and aggressive behavior. It emphasizes the importance of conducting functional analyses to guide treatment decisions.– Conduct a functional analysis to identify the variables maintaining self-injurious or aggressive behavior.
– Use the analysis findings to develop function-based treatments targeting the identified function.
– Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and modify as needed based on ongoing assessment.
Toward an Understanding of the Essential Components of Behavior Analytic Service PlansThis article explores the essential components of behavior analytic service plans, highlighting the importance of individualized planning, data collection, and the selection of effective interventions.– Develop individualized behavior analytic service plans based on thorough assessments.
– Include clear and measurable goals and objectives in the service plan.
– Use evidence-based interventions and continuously evaluate progress through data collection and analysis.
Social validity assessments: Is current practice state of the art?The article discusses social validity assessments, which involve evaluating the social significance and acceptability of behavior change programs. It emphasizes the importance of considering the perspectives of stakeholders.– Conduct social validity assessments to ensure that the behavior intervention plans align with the values and goals of stakeholders.
– Seek feedback from stakeholders to ensure acceptability and feasibility of the behavior plan.
– Modify and adapt the plan based on stakeholder input to enhance social validity.
Randomized evaluation of a web-based tool for designing function-based behavioral intervention plansThe study evaluates the effectiveness of a web-based tool for designing function-based behavioral intervention plans. It highlights the benefits of using technology to improve the efficiency and quality of behavior intervention planning.– Explore and utilize available web-based tools for designing function-based behavior intervention plans.
– Leverage technology to enhance collaboration and streamline the planning process.
– Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of web-based tools in improving outcomes for individuals with behavioral challenges.
A content analysis of written behavior management programsThe article presents a content analysis of behavior management programs, highlighting the components related to the assessment and treatment of problem behavior. It provides insights into the essential elements of effective behavior management programs.– Review and analyze existing behavior management programs for insights and best practices.
– Incorporate evidence-based components identified in the analysis into behavior intervention plans.
– Continuously evaluate and modify the behavior plan based on ongoing assessment and treatment progress.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004This section of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) emphasizes the importance of behavior intervention plans in supporting students with disabilities. It highlights the requirement to develop comprehensive behavior intervention plans that consider the individual needs of students.– Familiarize oneself with the legal requirements and guidelines outlined in IDEA.
– Ensure compliance with IDEA regulations when developing behavior intervention plans.
– Advocate for the rights and needs of students with disabilities in the development and implementation of behavior plans.

Please note that the summaries provided are brief and condensed versions of the articles. For a comprehensive understanding, it is recommended to refer to the original articles themselves.

References and Related Resources

Hanley, G. P., & Gover, H. (2002). Practical functional assessment: Understanding problem behavior prior to its treatment.

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Horner RH, Sugai G, Todd AW, Lewis-Palmer T. Elements of behavior support plans: a technical brief. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal. 2000;8:205–215. doi: 10.1207/S15327035EX0803_6.

Kroeger, S. D., & Phillips, L. J. (2007). Positive behavior support assessment guide: creating student-centered behavior plans. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32(2), 100-112.

Tarbox, J., Najdowski, A. C., Bergstrom, R., Wilke, A., Bishop, M., Kenzer, A., & Dixon, D. (2013). Randomized evaluation of a web-based tool for designing function-based behavioral intervention plans. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(12), 1509-1517.

Vollmer, T. R., Iwata, B. A., Zarcone, J. R., & Rodgers, T. A. (1992). A content analysis of written behavior management programs. Research in developmental disabilities, 13(5), 429-441.