The Structured Practical Training (SPT) program provides an opportunity for interns (provisional pharmacists) and provisional pharmacy technicians to practice their skills in a supervised practical environment. This requires the attendance and oversight of a supervising regulated professional for both pharmacy interns and provisional pharmacy technicians.
For interns, the goal is to support them in their journey to becoming proficient, patient-centered, and outcome-focused pharmacists. It is not an opportunity to schedule interns to work independently without a supervising pharmacist present. “It’s an important reminder,” said Debbie Lee, ACP Registration Director. “The reason we have a provisional register is to allow an individual time to become a proficient pharmacist. To do that, interns need feedback to make it a valuable learning experience and meet the objective of the structural practical training program. That can’t happen if a pharmacist isn’t there, observing, and sharing their professional knowledge.”
Who requires direct supervision?
Who requires indirect supervision?
A licensee must ensure that there is always a pharmacist present and supervising the pharmacy. For indirect supervision, the supervisor must be readily available for consultation and, if necessary, for providing hands-on assistance to the supervised individual.
The role and responsibilities of the supervisor for each group is detailed on the supervision webpage on the ACP website.
*Indirect supervision for provisional pharmacy technicians may be permitted as per the supervision rules found in the SPT manual, located on the SPT for Pharmacy Technicians webpage.