The TECUnit Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) provides a system that: (1) allows nationally certified cued language transliterators to preserve their certification status without retaking the CLTNCE test battery; and (2) ensures the retention of the high level of skill and knowledge demonstrated by nationally certified cued language transliterators at the time of certification. In some cases, participation in the Certification Maintenance Program may be required by state agencies for CLTs after successfully passing the CLTSLA. To verify if your state requires certification maintenance or periodically retaking the CLTSLA, contact your relevant state agency.
The TECUnit Certification Maintenance Program relies upon continued education and service to ensure that nationally certified cued language transliterators (CLTs) maintain a high level of skill proficiency and knowledge. Participants maintain certification by accruing Continuing Education Hours (CEHs). A CEH will generally be awarded a 1:1 ratio between the number of hours of instruction and the hours earned for certification maintenance. Nationally certified cued language transliterators pay an annual fee and submit annual proof of transliteration work. They must also earn a minimum of 60 CEHs of approved coursework during each cycle. A cycle is a period of four (4) years.
Continuing Education Hours are hours spent in development of professional skills and knowledge. The TECUnit opted for a 1:1 ratio to minimize confusion. Hours of instruction are equivalent to maintenance hours. While the term CEHs may not have the more familiar ring of CEUs (Continuing Eduction Units, a 1:10 ratio of Unit:Hours), we’ve aimed to be as simple and direct as possible.
The TECUnit strives to ensure that access does not interfere with quality professional development. We approve a variety of courses and events for Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) as Sponsored CEH Events, Unsponsored Events, or Pre-Approved College Coursework.